“The Circle” is a British self-titled TV show adapted by Netflix that shows various contestants participating in various competitions to become the best social media influencer and win a cash prize of  $100,000. Players come up with their winning techniques and only the best player can win the game.

In collaboration with All3Media, Netflix released different versions of The Circle in France and Brazil in addition to the American version. In August 2021, the fourth and fifth seasons of the show were renewed. The fourth season of The Circle ran from May 4, 2022 to May 25, 2022, when it ended. The Circle Singles fifth season debuted on December 28, 2022.

The format of the show is this: Several participants move into different apartments in the same building. Participants are not allowed to meet or speak to each other in person during the competition and are kept separate from the outside world and each other.

Instead, they converse via text on a custom social networking program. Each contestant must secretly “rate” every other person every few days, starting with the lowest position and working their way up to the highest.

The two top-ranked players usually become “influencers” and the other players risk being “banned” – that is, removed from the game – by mutual agreement of the influencers.

Aside from the engrossing tasks, fans are constantly engaged and captivated by host Michelle Buteau’s show and the drama that unfolds with each episode.

The Circle show has successfully completed its five seasons and the sixth season is premiering from 17 April 2024 and is currently airing.

The Circle Season 6 Series Filming Locations

The primary location for filming the sixth season of The Circle was decided to be the capital of Georgia. The city is full of glamorous studios and has its own sheen.


The studios (Pangea Studios at 3133 Continental Colony Parkway Southwest.) used as a filming location are one of the most famous locations in Atlanta because the studios provide a lot of equipment.

Atlanta studios create compelling stories that engage audiences and showcase the diversity and richness of the region’s film offerings. With a diverse cityscape, green outdoor spaces and a strong local film industry.

One of the main production locations for the sixth version of the show was the city’s Sonder Midtown South building, located in Fulton County at 126 Renaissance Parkway Northeast.

Twelve fully equipped apartments ready for living in the apartment complex are always available to players. The building also boasts a rooftop clubhouse and exercise area equipped with televisions and cameras.

After being blocked, players proceed to a place in the building known as the “testimonial room” to make their farewell movie for the other players.

The first five seasons were filmed in England, but the sixth season was filmed in Atlanta in a different studio, so the production team set out on a mission to transform the rooms into another satire to provide a new change and give the rooms a captivating atmosphere. .

The designer of the room focused mainly on working to create the vibrations of the room. The other rooms were created to feel more mature and peaceful, but one was to be “really bright and high energy”.

Her main goal was to design cozy rooms, since the participants of the show had to stay in these areas for a long time.


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