Constellation, a psychological thriller, paranoid and surreal TV series directed by Peter Harness which casted its first episode on 21st February 2024 and was streamed on Apple TV +.
The series revolves around an astronaut named Jo who gets caught in a tragic accident that occurred on the International Space Station, but somehow manages to find its way back to Earth and then realizes that major parts of her life— including her daughter — have gone missing.
Jo starts to doubt the reliability of her memories and consciousness when she discovers gaps in her life, with her daughter’s memories contradicting what she tells her.
With Noomi Rapace as the lead role, the series was a remarkable hit with an aggregate of 89% approved viewer ratings.
Constellation Tv Series Filming Locations
The Constellation production background was a hit, due to the various filming sites which embarked the movie’s surrealness to surge. From extreme dark polar space voids to the tempting tundra region and earthy environment,
The film portrayed a lot of various and beautiful sites, chugging the curiosity of viewers to explore the wonderful site locations.
The Constellation series is reportedly filmed in New York and across many sites of England, Finland, Germany and Morocco.
The shoot begined in September 2022 and ended in February 2023.
New York
The Constellation series majorly comprises this location and many cinematic shots were taken around the Times Square, a hustling and bustling and one of the most famous tourist spots which resides in the heart of Manhattan, New York.
Constellation Season 1 of the series was shot here. Turbine Studios, situated in cologne and Berlin, was directed to manage production affairs. The production management spent almost a whopping €10 million for the shoot that ended here.
The major part of the movie was filmed in the small town of Inari, an enchanting yet divine city of Finland famous for its Aurora Sightings. The place was a perfect set back for all the aeronautic shoots.
The town is right under the Aurora Oval which guarantees the best and scenetic skies with the mesmerizing lights. Much of the series’ shots were covered in snow, therefore Inari was a perfect location.
The series also had some major and beautiful cinematic shots at this location. especially Trafalgar Square , in the city of Westminster, Central London.
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The famous area is also a brilliant tourist spot. A simple walk around the Square will get you up close and personal to a number of famous statues and monuments.
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