“Sugar” is an American drama series created by Mark Protosevich and under the creative direction of Fernando Meirelles. The series is a fiction based on the slice of life of a kindly detective who devotes his entire career to finding the long-lost granddaughter of one of Hollywood’s top producers.
The scenes have such harrowing mysteries throughout the series. John Sugar, played by Colin Farrell, is a respected and respected detective tasked with finding Siegel’s granddaughter, Olivia Siegel.
He was ready to find the girl at any cost, but during his dangerous expedition, he revealed many unseen and dark secrets of the Siegel family, which are now at the stake of the detective’s eyes.
The series unfolds with mysteries, leading Sugar to the truth behind the city’s criminal networks. He must act calmly or he will lose the girl. Despite his family being at stake, he is ready to serve his job purpose and find the girl’s whereabouts.
Sugar (2024) Series Filming Locations
The tv series is full of crime mysteries and suspense, giving the audience a full cinematic experience to enjoy every last bit of the series.
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The Hook Series is an 8-episode fictional drama that was successfully released on April 5, 2024 on Apple Tv+.
The primary filming location was Los Angeles. A city of gold that resides in the heart of California. A place with picturesque beaches, lavish resorts and other amenities met all the requirements of the production team.
Principal photography for the show reportedly began in August 2022, and filming for the first season was completed in fall 2022. The intricate and picturesque locations were captured beautifully.
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The picturesque and diverse landscape that surrounds the urban environment of the captivating city was a great backdrop for the film. The city is full of its own glitz and glamour, which gave the film a unique look. A tangled complex of alleys, dirty streets represent the essence of the film.
Sources revealed that the cast loved the location, especially Collin, and he was more than happy to film there. He told the news that he has a long-lasting beautiful past with the city’s glitz.
Some exterior shots for the Sugar series were shot at 17133 Nanette Street, Granada Hills. The Granada Hills range is home to beautiful Deodar pines that add to the flamboyant beauty of the fauna reserves and make the place a picturesque place.
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Along with that, the beauty of the beautiful trees is completed by the urban architecture that enhances the place. With a vast and melancholic aura and urban ghosts, this location is ideal for shooting any other movie and is also a famous tourist spot in LA.
Another iconic visual that complements the scenes is Boardner’s by La Belle bar at 1652 North Cherokee Avenue, where the scene where sugar enters the vintage bar is located.
The bar creates the perfect atmosphere for a special scene in the film. Cozy seating with soft drinks and a relaxing aura, everything is complemented in the background.
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The facility is located on a side street off Hollywood Boulevard. Not only “Sugar”, but this particular location has been the setting for various other Hollywood movies.
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