Netflix’s ‘The Parades’ is a Japanese fantasy melodrama film composed and directed by Michihito Fujii. It follows Minako(MASAMI NAGASAWA) , a young mother who awakens in the midst of a beach after a calamity.
She is confused and in desperate search of her son as she discovers that her son Ryo is missing, she begins looking for him. As she searches for her son, she encounters a diverse array of individuals.
She meets Akira (Kentaro Sakaguchi), who introduces her to his surrogate family of spirits. These include a young yakuza (Ryusei Yokohama), a celebrated film producer (Lily Franky), a former hostess (Shinobu Terajima), a bank manager (Tetsushi Tanaka), and a high-school girl (Nana Mori).
After meeting and speaking with them, she discovers that she has died and is trapped between the realms of the alive and deceased, just like her new acquaintances. For the first half of the movie she is in a dilemma and doesn’t understand what’s happening around her. How she woke up in a totally unfamiliar place with strange people around her.
The story gets interesting when Minako realizes that the others trapped between worlds will be unable to move on until they have completed all unfinished business with the Living. Still unable to embrace this obviously unusual reality.
She participates in a monthly Procession in which all the deceased assemble to hunt for those they desire to see again. As she devotes more time with her new pals, she discovers additional information about them as well as their lives.
Fujii appears uninterested in these trivial narrative inconsistencies, focusing instead on the emotional experiences of his characters as they wrestle with regret over issues they have left unresolved. Only when these demons have been reconciled are they able to find eternal peace.
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The story also depicts a totally unseen viewpoint of the afterlife and how our loved ones who are deceased have not left us because the rope which binds them yet after their death is the drenching rope of love.
The Parades Movie Filming Locations
Following the plot of the story the The Parades film is subsequently shot around the mainland of Tokyo. The beautiful city of Tokyo was enough for the director Michihito Fujii to capture its beauty in his movie. The Parades netflix movie had some great cinematic shots from all around the capital city. Know about The Parades filming location.
The production team most likely set up camp in numerous locations throughout the city, ranging from beaches to open spaces with breathtaking views.
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The primary location was the Honshu region with Kanto region to its east which was also the main location for The Parades movie. Kanto, located on the eastern side of Japan’s main island, Honshu, is the country’s most metropolitan and highly populated region. The region also includes several volcanic islands in the Pacific Ocean.
Izu Oshima, the largest of the Izu islands, can be visited in less than two hours by high-speed jetfoil from Tokyo. A 25-hour ferry voyage to the subtropical Ogasawara Archipelago offers breathtaking views and the opportunity to watch whales at twilight.
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The magnificent skylines with awe-drenched skyscrapers are more than enough to get a thorough look on the country.