“Mommy Meanest,” directed by Greg Beeman, tells the tale of Mia, a high school student who is the victim of constant cyberbullying carried out by an individual she never could have imagined. In addition to being a stellar student at her school, Mia and her mother Madelyn have always been close.
The single mother Madelyn encourages her daughter and is happy with her development. Mia is spending more time away from home, frequently with her new boyfriend, as a result of her rising fame.
After receiving offensive and menacing remarks on the internet, Mia starts to doubt her appearance and confides in her mother. With time, the cyberbullying only gets worse, sending Mia on a desperate hunt for the perpetrator and leaving her appalled by what she finds.
Inspired by real-life incidents, the thriller Lifetime delves into an odd story of obsession, possessiveness, and jealousy.
Mommy Meanest (2024) Movie Filming Locations
Principal photography for the Mommy Meanest movie began in late January 2024 and was wrapped up by February 12 of the same year. Stalking Productions was the production team behind the great success of the movie.
Greater Vancouver, British Columbia
Vancouver is a flexible location for filming because of the variety of landscapes that surround it. The city distinguishes out as a filmmaking location for its varied visual gallery, which includes everything from urban cityscapes to verdant forests and scenic coastlines.
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Its topography and architecture make it a suitable substitute for many cities across the world. The busy city is always full with scenery and makes for a fantastic backdrop for numerous films.
Several famous locations, including the well-known Lions Gate Bridge, may be seen as the background to several sequences in the Mommy Meanest film. Situated on the west coast of British Columbia, this bustling seaport is home to one of Canada’s densest and most ethnically diverse cities.
Because of its closeness to Hollywood, it’s also an ideal option for Lifetime films who want to keep production levels high while cutting costs. This popular shooting location, which is surrounded by mountains, has a vibrant theater, music, and art scene.
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Naturally, Canadian tax incentives have turned cities like Toronto and Vancouver into a destination for filmmakers looking to shoot outside of studios and on location.
Portland, Oregon
We can specifically see the Fremont Bridge that spans the Willamette River. It is a steel-tied arch bridge that links North Portland and the city center. Although the actual narrative of “Mommy Meanest” took place in Michigan, Portland’s iconic urban setting was chosen to serve as the backdrop for the Lifetime Mommy Meanest movie.
The production team made use of the varied and exquisite flora and fauna of the city’s geography, and the city of Portland, with its unique features and noteworthy landmarks, provided the Mommy Meanest film with cinematic imagery; the location was essential to the story.
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The city’s beautiful lush flora and fauna gave a quintessential look to the story and was pretty important in filming the pivotal scenes in the movie. The production team’ nourished looks gave the movie an iconic look. One can view various landmarks which lie in the heart of the city.