Till how extreme lengths would a prank go? “Surviving the sleepover” is a 2024 thriller and humorous teenage drama.Premiering at 7pm (CDT) on Saturday, March 23, Surviving the Sleepover is the second feature Patricia Frontain has directed for the channel. The thriller features an ensemble cast starring Sloan Mannino, Dawn Marie, Jenna Hogan, Joshua Bertell, and Sage Moore.
An outspoken teenager Hannah who was totally new in the town forms and engulfs a social circle . She gets under the nose of a bullying teenage girls group who are more than eager to bring her down because they feel like their popularity and fame is at risk . They then invite Hannah for a sleepover saying that they are willing to share their hands.
The thing which nobody was prepared for was a friendly sleepover which soon turns into Hannah’s never imagined Nightmare. To make things worse she even further realizes that only her mother could save her from the trap of the mean girls group.
Their sleepover begins with a game of Never Have I Ever, which naturally sparks some excitement. But when Melissa starts to ruthlessly enforce the game’s rules, things take a terrible turn.
The thriller is exciting as well as engrosses the viewers with its captivating scenes, and portrays light on themes of teenage bullying. It also tells us about the various dangers which lurk beneath the society and teenage camaraderie.
It also tells us the importance of staying true to oneself, even in the face of adversity. One must always stay confident and active when it comes to social life. One should never let themselves down and cautiously behave and act in public.
Surviving the Sleepover (2024) Movie Filming Locations
The enchanting backdrops and the iconic shots captured in the Surviving the Sleepover movie were mesmerizing which makes one curious about the actual filming location of the Surviving the Sleepover movie.
The vibrant city of LA, which is a home to almost every Hollywood movie has an enchanting and captivating vibe as its a hustling and bustling metropolitan city which engulfs every kind of studio and scenic locations with some iconic landmarks adjusting every backdrop. The city attracts a lot of movies every year and just like that it became a primary location for the Surviving the Sleepover movie.
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The inclusive shooting of the Surviving the Sleepover movie which included Hannah’s adaptation from city to a small town of texas was greatly supported by the serene places of the city. The story of the Surviving the Sleepover movie was set in the tranquil streets and secluded hangouts of Los Angeles’ suburban districts.The film’s main story revolves around a large, multi-story Los Angeles home with a swimming pool.
The typical desert landscapes of Southern California encircle the filming area. The City of Angels has served as the backdrop for numerous Lifetime films because of its diverse settings and strong filming infrastructure, which range from glistening skyscrapers to serene suburban streets.
Furthermore the director also told the sources how memorable it has been for her helping the cast adjust to schedules.
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“I spent 15 hours at the wardrobe fitting and tried to have related characters in at the same time,” she says. “I had the four ‘mean girls’ in together, I let the mother and daughter figure out their dynamics, and I talked to the actors individually.” she said.
Also she expressed her gratitude towards the cinematographer Hana Kitasei, who she recognized as a “fantastic” talent during their first pre-production meeting.
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“I thought we were going to get into shooting and vision, and she said ‘no, no, no. we’re going to get to know each other and understand why you’re drawn to certain scenes,’’ Frontain recalls.
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